It doesn’t matter whether you want to switch to a new salon administration system or haven’t used any such tools yet - if you’re here, you’re on the right track.
Watalook is a new-generation beauty service booking and administration system designed to meet the most delicate needs of salons, beauty professionals, and their clients.
Each feature on the Watalook app was created to relieve the biggest pain points of beauty service providers and to improve their work efficiency.
Let’s see what Watalook has to offer. Here’s our top features to make your life easier:
We send your clients automatic text reminders 24 hours before their appointment. The reminders contain a link where they have to confirm their arrival.
How is it good for you? Your most forgetful clients will stop wasting your time.
In individual client cards your can leave notes about each client and post before-after pictures.
How is it good for you? This allows you to tend to your clients’ unique needs and create deeper relationships with them.
All your clients have to confirm their mobile number when booking an appointment. They’ll also be able to leave a review in your profile only after their appointment.
How is it good for you? You can rest assured that your Watalook page is protected from fake negative reviews and fake appointments.
Advance payments is our users’ most favorite feature. With this payment method enabled, your clients will have to pay for their appointments in advance - during the booking process.
How is it good for you? If the client misses their appointment or cancels at the last minute, you’ll keep the total amount of their appointment value.
Our users report increased customer loyalty when using the Watalook app. To us it’s an important indicator of a successful beauty business.
How is it good for you? Loyal customers = more income.
Once you join Watalook family, you’ll get your own booking page where you can promote your services, add pictures to your portfolio, and integrate your social media with no effort.
How is it good for you? You won’t need to hire an IT specialist to help you elevate your business.
You can also add a Book Now button to your Facebook and Instagram pages, free of charge!
How is it good for you? You and your talent will get more exposure online. This is extremely important if you want to attract new clients.
As mentioned before, every Watalook user needs to verify their mobile phone in order to book beauty appointments through our system. If some of your clients have repeatedly disappointed you, you can block them from booking your services in the future.
Already thousands of beauty professionals have chosen Watalook to manage their beauty business, thanks to our amazing features and irresistible pricing.
For only 19, 83 EUR/month, you get all of the perks we’ve covered above.
Download Watalook app on Google Play or App Store and try it for 14 days completely free of charge. Or sign up on our website.
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